Monday 2 April 2012

The Princess Diaries: Mia Goes Fourth - Meg Cabot (2002)

In continuing reading this series, I remembered how slow it can be at times, and this is a whole book about one date, that's the only plotline in this story, whether Mia will make it to her first date with Michael. Better than some of the later books in my opinion, but still kind of frustrating.

This is the shortest book in the series, although it probably spans a larger time period (three weeks) than most of the other books. I found Mia's inner monologue extremely frustrating in this book, I think it might be because I know she's freaking out for THE ENTIRE BOOK for nothing, but it was still pretty entertaining. My favourite character in this book was probably Michael, mainly because he's so lovely you can't help but love him.

Mia gets back from her first trip to Genovia as princess and is looking forward to her first date with Michael to give him his belated birthday present as well as just spending time with him. However Grandmere wants her to go to a black and white ball on the same night, Mia thinks that by cancelling on Michael he will eternally hate her and break up with her. She goes to the ball, then leaves at eleven and goes over to Michael's where he has set up the movie at his house. She gives him his present, a moon rock, and they enjoy their first date.

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